Hatch 101

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How to Use RevitHatch.com Patterns

Using new patterns requires a couple simple steps. First you load the pattern into your project and second you apply the pattern to a material. Each individual step is outlined below.

How to Load a Pattern

  1. Open the RevitHatch.com file
  2. Find the pattern you want to use and select it
  3. Use the Copy to Clipboard command (ctrl+c) to copy the filled region
  4. Open your project file
  5. Use the Paste from Clipboard command (ctrl+v) to paste the filled region
  6. Place the filled region anywhere in your project (you can delete this later)
  7. Done! The pattern is now loaded and ready to apply to a material

How to Add a Pattern to a Material

  1. Go to the Manage tab
  2. Select Materials
  3. Find the material you want to edit from the list (or create a new one)
  4. Open the Materials Editor (pencil icon)
  5. Go to the Graphics tab
  6. Choose where you want to pattern to appear (on a surface or when cut)
  7. Select the pattern display box
  8. Select the type of pattern you are loading (either Drafting or Model)
  9. Select the pattern from the list
  10. Select OK
  11. Select the color display box
  12. Choose a color
  13. Select OK to close the color selector box
  14. Select OK to close the Material Browser
  15. Apply the material to elements
  16. Done! The pattern will now appear wherever the material is applied